I play with the multimonitor options. It is good the new slider screen angle, but now it is a bite difficult to adjust to a real FOV.
So, you can calcule what FOV is what you seeing with simple math, knowing the distance from your eyes to the monitors, knowing the size of monitors, and assuming that the angle between them is correct.
In the last patch was easy to put the final FOV, but now I don't understand why you put the central FOV, but I think you have a good reason. It have some minor problems like if you change the config beetwen 5-1-5 to 1-1-1 the general FOV will change drastically
Also, I like more a Cylindical correction than a multiview, but I think it will consume a lot of FPS, so without multiview ( 0 - 1 - 0 monitors config) I have 74FPS in a grid start in pause, with 1 - 1 - 1 I have 63 FPS, and 39 FPS with 5 - 1 - 5 with the same total FOV.
I remember you said you would do a graph that is generated automatically to find the actual arrangement of the monitors relative to the FOV. I imagine that like an image I uploaded in the last patch topic (I upload again), where indicates the distances between visor and monitors (radius circle) relative to the FOV, and angle between them. LFS only need one more data to calcule, and is the width of each monitor.
It will very usefull for a very big multimonitor/multiprojector view to match the exact FOV, and for sure very easy. So the big majority of people don't know what really means FOV